About the User Manual¶
This user manual includes guidance for some of the day-to-day tasks that may be required by an administrator (computer lab in-charge, teacher). It is assumed that the administration has some basic knowledge of working with a Linux distribution as the server is intended to be used to teach the Linux subject in schools. Providing comprehensive server administration guidance is outside the scope of this document.
We have created My sCool Server keeping in mind the “ease of use” so quite a lot of tasks(not all of them) can be accomplished without having to RTFM, however understanding that this device packs a lot of complex technologies so to accomplish anything “under the hood” the administrator must go through the instructions below at the minimum and follow up reading the manuals provided by applications or online for more details or tasks not covered here.
Important Notice¶
Recherche Tech has supplied this information believing it to be accurate and reliable at the time of publishing, but is presented without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. Users must take full responsibility for their application of any products. Recherche assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Recherche reserves the right, without notice to make changes in product design or specifications. Information is subject to change without notice.
Restricted Rights¶
Copyright 2016-2018 Recherche Tech LLP. All rights reserved.
My sCool Server, My sCool Server logo are registered trademarks of Recherche Tech LLP.